Special Financial Products

KSIDC > Special Financial Products
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Special Financial Products
    • Bill Discounting Loan
      • To provide finance support purchase / discounting of bills arising out of genuine trade transactions made by clients with Government / PSUs
      • To Corporate entity or partnership firm with minimum 3 years’ experience related to civil, mechanical & engineering works and other business (excluding trading), duly supported by a certificate from authorized agencies such as PWD, KWA etc
      • Work advance and credit / loan together shall not exceed 80% of the value of the contract / purchase limited to Rs. 5 Crore at a time
      • Financial Assistance of Rs. 200 Lakhs to Rs. 500 Lakhs
      • Interest rate of 10.50% (floating)
      • The loan will be secured by the personal guarantee of Partners / Directors, necessary agreement / POA with KSIDC, tripartite agreement between Company / firm, purchaser and KSIDC, and irrevocable power of attorney in favour of KSIDC to receive bill amount directly from the work issuing Department / Govt. Undertaking
      • Contractor Loan
        • To provide financial assistance by way of working capital term loan to eligible, established and creditworthy applicants in the State for execution of various works in connection with Government assigned contracts in the State
        • To Company, LLP, Proprietorship concern or Partnership Firm
        • Shall be provided a financial assistance of 60% of the cost of work awarded
        • Financial Assistance of Rs. 50 Lakhs to Rs. 6,000 Lakhs
        • Repayment period of 3 years
        • Interest rate of 9.50% (floating)
        • Security for the loan shall be unencumbered collateral security, irrevocable Bank Guarantee, and fixed deposit in nationalized / scheduled banks providing 133% of cover for the loan sanctioned
      • Caravan Loan
          • To provide finance for meeting the expenditure for purchasing of new caravans and / or setting up caravan parks
          • Maximum finance from KSIDC per caravan is limited to 70 % of the cost of caravan. Promoters have to bring in the balance 30 %
          • Financial Assistance of Rs. 25 Lakhs to Rs. 100 Lakhs per caravan, with the maximum lending limit being Rs. 500 Lakhs
          • To Existing resorts/resort groups (firms, LLP and limited companies), Existing fleet owners/tour operators (firms, LLP and limited companies) and Returnee migrants
          • Repayment period of 7 years
          • Moratorium period of 12 months, extendable by another 6 months, from the date of first disbursement
          • Interest rate of 8.50% (floating)
          • Security for the loan shall be hypothecation of the caravan. In case of multiple vehicles financed, collateral security to cover 140% security shall be provided
          • In case of funding for caravan parks, mortgage of caravan park exclusively to cover 140%
      • WE Funding
        • To provide financial assistance to existing women entrepreneurs in the manufacturing/service business using industrial machinery/equipment for scaling up through expansion, modernization and related diversification with the turnover condition mentioned below.
        • The minimum average annual turnover shall be Rs.10.00 Lakhs for seeking assistance under this scheme up to Rs.25.00 lakhs and for above Rs.25.00 lakhs assistance, average annual turnover shall be double the loan requirement.
        • Assistance shall be given to proprietorship, partnership firms, limited liability partnerships, private limited companies etc. owned and managed by women (holding 51% or more)
        • Loan assistance of up to 80% of project cost shall be provided
        • Lending limits shall be a maximum of Rs.50.00 Lakhs
        • Interest rate of 7.50%
        • Tenure of loan shall be limited to a maximum of 6 years, including a moratorium up to 6 months from the date of sanction of loan

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Last Updated on: 27 July 2024
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